Crystals for grief during the holidays

Crystals for grief during the holidays


Incorporating crystals into your grief process can be a gentle and supportive way to find comfort and healing. Here is a simple crystal meditation you can try:

  1. Find a comfortable seated position and close your eyes.

  2. Hold a crystal that resonates with you, such as lepidolite, carnelian, rhodocrosite, or celestite.

  3. Take a few deep breaths to relax and center yourself.

  4. Focus on your intention to find comfort and healing during this time of grief. Visualize a bright white light entering through the crown of your head (the top chakra) and filling your entire body.

  5. As you exhale, visualize the light flowing down through each of your chakras: crown, third eye, throat, heart, solar plexus, sacral, and root.

  6. Spend a few minutes focusing on each chakra, visualizing the light flowing through and balancing your energy.

  7. When you're finished, take a few more deep breaths and slowly open your eyes.