Dragon's Blood Jasper is a highly unique and sought-after variety of jasper that is known for its beautiful green and red coloration, as well as its many powerful metaphysical properties. Here are some of the metaphysical properties associated with Dragon's Blood Jasper:

  1. Protection: Dragon's Blood Jasper is believed to offer powerful protection against negative energy and psychic attack. It is said to create a shield around the aura, helping to block out harmful influences and energies.

  2. Emotional Healing: Dragon's Blood Jasper is also associated with emotional healing and can help to promote feelings of calm, peace, and tranquility. It is believed to help release negative emotions such as anger, stress, and anxiety, and to promote a sense of inner peace and emotional stability.

  3. Courage and Strength: Dragon's Blood Jasper is said to promote courage and strength, helping to build confidence and self-assurance. It is also believed to help you overcome obstacles and challenges, and to give you the strength to face difficult situations.

  4. Creativity and Manifestation: Dragon's Blood Jasper is associated with the Root and Heart Chakras, which govern our connection to the earth and our ability to give and receive love. It is believed to stimulate creativity and manifestation, helping to bring your ideas and desires into physical form.

  5. Spiritual Growth: Finally, Dragon's Blood Jasper is said to promote spiritual growth and awareness. It is believed to help you connect with higher consciousness and the divine, and to deepen your understanding of the universe and your place in it.


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