Finding your purpose

Finding your purpose

Finding your purpose in life can be tough, but it's also a really rewarding and fulfilling journey. If you're not sure where to start, here are some tips to help you out:

  1. Think about your values and passions. What matters most to you? What are you most passionate about? Your purpose is often tied to these things, so it's a good place to start.

  2. Consider your strengths and skills. What are you naturally good at? What do you enjoy doing? Your purpose might have something to do with these things, so it's worth thinking about.

  3. Try new things. You never know what might spark your curiosity and lead you down a new path. Take up a new hobby, volunteer, or travel to a new place.

  4. Get some support. It can be helpful to have a supportive community as you explore your purpose. Consider getting guidance from a therapist, coach, or mentor who can help you out.

  5. Lastly, what would bring you the most comfort and happiness of being known for? What subject would you love for others to come to you for advice and guidance about? What subject leaves you the most fulfilled when talking about it?

Incorporating crystals and meditation into your journey to finding your purpose can also be really helpful. Here's a simple crystal meditation you can try:

  1. Find a comfy seated position and close your eyes.

  2. Hold a crystal that resonates with you, like amethyst for intuition or citrine for clarity.

  3. Take a few deep breaths to relax and center yourself.

  4. Focus on your intention to discover your purpose. Visualize a bright white light entering through the crown of your head (the top chakra) and filling your entire body.

  5. As you exhale, visualize the light flowing down through each of your chakras: crown, third eye, throat, heart, solar plexus, sacral, and root.

  6. Spend a few minutes focusing on each chakra, visualizing the light flowing through and balancing your energy.

  7. When you're finished, take a few more deep breaths and slowly open your eyes.

Remember, finding your purpose is a journey and it might take some time. Be patient with yourself and don't be afraid to seek support along the way. With the right mindset and some helpful tools like crystals and meditation, you can find your way to a purposeful and fulfilling life.